July 21, 2008

A Herb Walk


majus L.

Family: Poppy plant


The plant may reach 30 to 1 m high. The leaves are blue-green on the bottom side
Flowering season: April to October
A stalk, being pulled off, a milky yellow juice flows out.

Where to find:

In Europe and the temperate and subarctic regions of Asia.
It grows along the wayside, walls, fences as well as hedges.

Promoted for use on the skin:

Pull off a stalk and press the outflowing juice onto the wart
The antiviral agent supports healing.
The juice has a strongly stimulating effect.

To strengthen the eyes:
Dilute some of the juice flowing out with water. Swab the reddish juice on the eye bones. The juice drying in the opne air will strengthen the eyes.

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